Pros and Cons of Marathons

For successful participation in any competition, athletes have to sacrifice something. There are also danger involved in marathons, but there are also great advantages that come with running. Let’s objectively assess the influence of preparing for and participating in marathons.

Benefits of Running Marathons

Many experienced athletes, health aficionados, and physicians have concluded that competitive running has a positive effect on health and social skills. Let’s see if that’s the case.

Positive impact on health

Intense long-distance drilling helps to strengthen the heart, as blood circulation plays an essential role in rhythmic muscle contractions. It’s not for nothing that running is called cardio. The heart of a person who runs regularly has fewer fat deposits and is protected from blood clots. Vessels and capillaries become more elastic and durable, which also reduces the risk of stroke and heart attack.

Ligaments and joints, receiving a regular load and the necessary care, are strengthened and become more resistant to prolonged stress.
The health benefits are the undisputed benefit of running.

Improving thought processes

In addition to the immediate benefits to the body, runners report improved coordination, balance, and ability to make decisions and concentrate. Milking races form new neural connections in the brain, which in general upgrade the intellectual abilities of a person.

Mood improvement

Running is a great way to fight depression. Especially jogging in the fresh air allows athletes to get rid of gloomy thoughts and get a boost of vivacity necessary for everyday tasks. If you want to feel cheerful then take up running.

Prestige of marathons

Popular runners are full and popular participants in sports life. For many people, the marathon has become the main activity in life, which helps them make a career and fulfill themselves.

Simplicity and Accessibility

To participate in marathons, you do not need special equipment or expensive equipment. All you need is a pair of shoes and a desire to improve. Before you spend a lot of money on a gym, consider jogging, which is free and can have a huge positive influence on health.

Cons of Marathons

Accompanying with positive reviews about the benefits of running, there are objective facts that testify to health risks and other factors.

High risk of injury

A huge load on the joints and ligaments during long-distance races can lead to injuries: sprains and bruises. Some athletes have been forced to withdraw from marathons due to acquired injuries. These risks can be minimized with the help of special footwear and equipment.

High stress on the heart

You need to be in good health to run marathons. If you have chronic heart disease, then you should limit yourself to amateur jogging. A huge load during the distance can increase the risk of heart attack or stroke in individuals with a predisposition to these diseases.

Risk of dehydration

Some beginners who don’t follow a specific meal plan and don’t have a supply of water run the risk of becoming dehydrated during a marathon. Along with sunstroke and heatstroke, this problem can cause serious damage to health.

The Need for Long and Exhausting Workouts

To participate in marathon races, you will have to forget about friendly parties and Saturday trips to the cinema. The life of a professional runner is one of constant training and a strict diet. You will have to choose the life of a successful athlete or a life full of daily pleasures and small joys available to an ordinary person.

Weigh All The Arguments and Make Your Own Decision!

Only you can decide what to do with your life. As you can see, with the right approach, you have the ability to minimize the harm and get the maximum benefit. Make an informed decision and be healthy!